Monday, September 24, 2012

5 simple de - stress tips for moms

Fortunately, most mothers enjoy being with their family, and so the rewards are far greater than the amount of stress. Nevertheless, for a mother to be effective in raising her children, she should know when to call a halt to take c are of her personal needs. She needs to let her family know that she is more than a mother, and needs “me time.”
Here are ways to de-stress even if your kids are milling around you.

1. Keep a schedule

This isn’t just for your benefit so you can schedule your daily activities, but also because children need structure in their lives, and if they are young, it prepares them for school. As a mother, the less you need to worry about what to do next, then the less stressed you are.

2. Time out time for mums

The urge to spank, shout or scream comes when you are too stressed and tired. To avoid these kinds of situation, recognize the signs and leave the room. Make sure your children will be safe before you take your “time-out.” Just a few minutes will make a huge difference in your mood.

3. Eat Properly

An unhealthy diet will also lower your anxiety trigger point, so try to maintain a good healthy diet. Avoid food that will make you feel sluggish like salty, fatty foods. If you are eating on the go, then you are also probably gaining or losing weight the wrong way. Take the time to feed yourself and your family properly. It will help you keep alert, energized, and less inclined to be sickly.

4. Bond with other mothers

There is nothing quite like exchanging notes with other mothers. You get valuable tips and inside information on baby and child products, schools, teachers, and extra curricular activities. If you’re surrounded by kids all day it’s nice to have some time to chat with other adults. Even if the whole conversation is about the kids, you’ll feel.

5. Quality Time with Yourself

An on-the-go mother can be stressful for the children and husband. You could be teaching them the wrong things by constantly running around. If you were a child, would you want a hyper-active mum? Take some time off to enjoy being a woman, and teach your kids that it’s okay to treat yourself once in a while to some nice things. Take yourself in for a massage or book that facial that you’ve been wanted to get for so long. After all, you deserve it.

 More from : unlimited modern living ideas

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